Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Left Behind...The Game ?

Yep, your eyes are not deceving you. The makers of the best selling, Christian horror fiction series Left Behind, have now created a video game.

"The people behind the kooky Christian "Left-Behind" science fiction novels (about the futuristic battles on earth after the Rapture takes all the good Bible-bashers to heaven) have produced a violent, bigoted video-game version of their stories. Ironicially, the game is drawing fire from Jack Thompson, himself a nutcase Christian Conservative who hates video-games more than he hates sinning liberals."

"Players can command the army of good - the Tribulation Force - against the anti-Christ's Global Community.

The game's makers reject criticism, saying their detractors "have a clear hatred of Biblical Christianity".

An alliance of liberal groups including the Christian Alliance for Progress, the Campaign to Defend the Constitution, and Talk2Action, have urged the giant retailer Wal-Mart, among others, to stop stocking the game, which was released last month.

"It's about religious warfare. The way to win is to convert or kill. You have both the Inquisition and the Crusades," says Frederick Clarkson of Talk2Action.

"Anybody who is not a follower of Jesus is the enemy," he claims. "

Too scary.


j-lay said...

you've been added to my blog. btw, i think this video game is stupid. i'm not basing this opinion on anything christian. i'm basing it on my video game knowledge. this game is going to tank. so i don't know what the critics are worried. about.

Derek said...

Amazing. Just when you think things could not be more bizzare!

Derek said...
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