Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Unfortunate 4th Anniversary of the Iraq War

Finally! For the past year I have desperately been searching for a group of people here in Dallas that I could protest this lame ass excuse of war with. I finally found one, and want to invite everyone to the upcoming Unfortunate 4th Anniversary of the Iraq War protest in March.

For more info, please see And help spread the word !


Anonymous said...

I dont agree that this is a lame ass war. Sadamm is gone. Genocide has stopped....sure we need to get out of there but only after the nation is secure.

Benjy - i am paradox said...

So let me ask you this: why go after Sadam now, after all this time has passed? It's obvious now that we were lied to, that Iraq has nothing to do with September 11th. And from the research that I have done, most of the evidence that Sadam was doing anything wrong was biased, based on things that happenned years ago.

Even if that were wrong, guess what? Sadam was captured almost 3 years ago, let's get out of there already. It's not our job to stop another nation's civil war.